Thursday, March 3, 2011

So I'm really not gonna have time to upload & caption all of the photos from the rally here... but I did it all on facebook, so here's the link to the album:

You can just click on the first one & keep clicking through all of the pics =]

As far as other pics go: Here are some from my new grocery discovery!

Fruit sensory overload!

barrels of coffee beans

More barrels & their huge coffee roaster. Beans are always being roasted & the entire section smells heavenly. Someone on staff is there at all times to watch the roaster & grind coffee for ya. It's pretty awesome

& one of their quirky signs. At the olive bar, naturally haha "Violators will be embarrassed!"

& here's this month's bulletin board. All about body language

Monday, January 17, 2011

Training photo dump

Our first day of training we had a teambuilder where we had to build a freestanding tower using spaghetti, marshmallows, goldfish, & fruitloops. All the staffs competed... & we won!
Not the prettiest thing, but certainly the tallest!

Here's the measurements for all the towers- we rocked it!

Here are my door decs. The splattered paper spins to show "out" "sleeping" "class" & "free"

& here's my bulletin board:

Our community service was making blankets for Project Linus, an org that collects blankets to give to kids in need. We made 35!

Me, Lyuben, & Melissa made 3! Here's Lyu knotting our first one, clearly thrilled!

Monday, August 23, 2010

While we were doing walkthroughs we saw this. Someone must have had a giraffe sticker up last year & it left this behind. LOL

Here are my door tags:

& bulletin boards!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mom reminded me this thing exists, so massive photo drop time. all courtesy of my crackberry. First off, here's the necklace I made today. I realized I didn't have a necklace I wanted to wear to the banquet, & since I was wearing my pink & black skirt, I made a necklace to match.

Female staffers: (Diana, Kamisha, Maholy, me, Linka, Meg)

Bischoff! (Nick, Damian, Lyuben, Diana, Kamisha, Linka, me, meg, Maholy)

us at our table:

My certificate:

My name in the program for my GPA:

Now for the oldies: A few weeks ago we had a clothing swap for Feminists United. We ordered cookies tio have there (3 dozen)... & this is what we got:

3 dozen + a huge tray that they insisted we ordered when we didn't. Figured I'd never see that many cookies again & it was absolutely hilarious so I photographed.
Going along with FemU, here's Jess in front of a painting in Forever21 that we greatly disapproved of (was at the mall with Jill & Jess)

March & April Bulletin boards:

(P.S. Notice the crazy increase in photo quality from my new crackberry?)

April Fools Prank: SO.MANY.POST-ITS! but so much fun

Damian wanted me to take a pic of him as the roadrunner at the last Open House:

The house with the fabulous snowman that they dress up celebrated St. Patty's Day:

Dad, saw this & couldn't resist:

I think I already showed you this, but it's from when we had the crazy wind:


It snowed.... a lot. Before & after:

Krysta enjoyed the snow.

Trust me... I'm a ramavan driver!

This plate said "DONBH8N" I couldn't resist. Don't be hatin!

Now THIS made me rage. It's one thing to be against gay marriage, totally another to paste it on your bumper. worst part is this is the parent of someone in our building =[


Krysta's glasses broke... so she tried wearing them without the arm for a bit. good times in the office.

MARTHAAAA!! Awesome photos & our goodie bags =]

Q & A afterwards:

totally creeping on Mario Batali in the prep kitchen!

More of her studio:

Lyuben (RA) & Sean (resident) at our area program, dressed up for a photo: